Basaveshwara Teaching & General Hospital, Kalaburagi

Attached to
M. R. Medical College


Department of Biochemistry

The clinical biochemistry dept at Basaveshwara Teaching and General Hospital has been upgraded with state of art equipments like Biolis 50-i (fully automated biochemistry analyzers), Roche C-111(Fully automated Bio-chemistry analyzer), Centaur CP (SEIMENS, fully automated Immunoassay analyzer), Nova Biomed (Blood gas analyzer), Electrolyte analyzers, Semi auto analyzers    etc.

 It can be proudly stated that several members of the department hold or have held   responsible positions in administrations.

      During these long years the department has grown and diversified extensively both in teaching and research. The department has successively hosted CME’s, published 23 original research articles in reputed national and international journals. The research work is supported by major research grants to faculties from various National agencies.

     The department has requisite talent and potential to achieve still greater heights   and faith and tenacity to contribute in changing the living environment for better. 

     Goals: The Department of Biochemistry will promote higher values in education, health care dealing & research the faculty will strive hard keeping the society in mind to meet excellence in all areas will not compromising ethics and professionalism.  


 Acquire knowledge of the basics and applied aspects of various areas of Biochemistry.


 MBBS: The board goal of teaching of under graduate students in Biochemistry is to make them understand the scientific basics of the life process at the molecular level and to orient them towards the application of the knowledge acquired in solving clinical problems.

 MD BIOCHEMISTRY:  The goal of MD course in Biochemistry is to produce a competent medical biochemist who is able to

 Demonstrably comprehensive understanding biochemistry as well as applied disciplines. 

Staff details :


Sl.No Name of the staff member Qualification Designation Photo
Dr Archana Chowdary
Professor & HOD
02 Dr. Sharanabasappa M. Awanti MBBS. M.D. Professor
Dr S M Awanti 
Dr. Vinod V Wali
Dr Vinod V Wali.jpg
04 Dr. S.S. Ronad MBBS, M.D. Associate Professor Dr S S Ronad 
05 Mrs. Sangeeta Salgar M.Sc Tutor
06 Dr. Basavaraj.C. Bandi MBBS Tutor
Dr.Rajshekhar B Kulageri
08 Dr. Pranav MBBS Tutor
09 Dr. Mrutyunjay S Majage
MBBS Tutor
10 Dr. Sachit Reddy Chuda
MBBS Tutor
Dr Abhishek A K
Dr Shudhohum



 Awanti SM, Ingin JB, Jeevangi SR, Patil RB, Patil GA, Awanti BS. The effect of radiofrequency radiations emitted from mobile phones on plasma oxidants and antioxidants in mobile phone users. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2010; August (4): 2758-2761.

  1. Awanti SM,  Ingin JB, Sabeer M, Patil RB, Jeevangi SR, Patil GA, Awanti BS. Serum butyrylcholinesterase and lipid profile in Pre and Post “menopausal women”. Research journal of pharmaceuticals, biological and chemical sciences 2011; April-June 2(2):364-369. 
  2. Archana S Choudhari & Prakash B Desai. Evaluation of serum enzyme markers in carcinoma breast-A case-control study. Biomedicine 2011; April-June 31(2) : 161-165.
  3. Vinod wali, Jagadish Ingin, Basanagouda Patil. Study of serum apolipoprotein –AI in coronary heart disease. Biomedicine 2011;31(4): 462-466.
  4. Sharanabasappa M Awanti, Gurulingappa A Patil, Revansidappa B Patil, Santoshkumar R Jeevangi, Jagadish B Ingin , Rashmi Sinha, Raghunandana R. Impact of mobile phone radiations on human health with special reference to SAR( Specific Absorption Rate). Research journal of pharmaceuticals, biological and chemical sciences 2011; July-September 2(3): 965-961. 
  5. Deasi PB, Shailendra V Kale, Sumangala   Kadi, Manjunath S, Archana C, Satish  Kumar D. Serum trace elements in lepromatous leprosy in south Indian population-A case-control study. The Antiseptic 20011;Sep 108(9): 430-432.
  6. S.M Awanti, G.A Patil, Bhuvanendranath.H, Santosh.R.Jeevangi, R.B Patil. Protein thiols in urine of Pre-eclampsia patients. International journal of Pharma and Biosciences 2011; Oct- Dec 2(4): 112-115.
  7. Jagadish.B.Ingin, Rashmi Sinha, Sharanabasappa.M.Awanti. Protein thiols in Essential Hypertension patients. JKIMSU 2012 ; Jan-June (1): 73-76.
  8. Vinod Wali, Singi Yatiraj, Kiran Deshmuk, Nagaraj Bijapur. Serum homocysteine levels as a novel biomarker in patients with acute myocardial infarction. IJMHS 2012 October, Volume 1, Issue 4 page 39 – 46   
  9. R Jeevangi Santoshkumar, S Manjunath, M Awanti Sharanabasappa. Prescription pattern of anti-malarial drugs in tertiary care hospital. Asian Pacific Journal Tropical Medicine 2010; 3(5):379-381.
  10. Jeevangi SR, Patil RB, Manjunath S, Tanuja H, Kakkeri RH, Patil BV, Awanti SM. Drug utilization study in a trauma care unit of tertiary care hospital.  Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2010; December (4): 3469-3474.
  11. R.B Patil, BR Doddamani, Milind Bhutkar, BS Mallipatil, SR Jeevangi, SM Awanti. Role of body mass index on cardio respiratory fitness among physical active group and sedentary group of urban population. Biomedicine 2010; 30(4):547-553.
  12.  Santoshkumar R Jeevangi, R.B Patil, S.M Awanti, S Manjunath, Basavaraj Patil, Karuna Devi. Drug utilization study in a burn care unit of a tertiary care hospital. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 2011; 41-46.
  13. R.B Patil, BR Doddamani, Milind Bhutkar, SM Awanti. A comparative study of physical fitness among rural farmers and urban sedentary group of Gulbarga district. Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences  2012; 5(1) :39-44.
  14. Suman Umeshchandra, Umeshchandra D.G, S.M Awanti. Serum Paraoxonase Activity In “Post-Menopausal”Women.International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences 2012 ; 3(1): B250 – B253.
  15. Suman Umeshchandra, Umeshchandra D.G, S.M Awanti. Study Of Dyslipidemia In Postmenopause With Special Reference To Serum Butyrylcholinesterase And Lipoprotein (a) [Lp (a)]. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research 2012;Jan-Feb Vol 12(1):123-125.
  16. Suman Umeshchandra, Umeshchandra D.G, S.M Awanti. Serum Protein Thiol Status in Pregnant Women with Malaria. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2012(Jan-March); 3(1):114-119. 
  17. Suman Umeshchandra, Umeshchandra D.G, S.M Awanti. Atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) in post menopausal women. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2012(Jan-March); 3(1):519-523. 
  18. Vinod Wali, Singi Yatiraj, Kiran Deshmukh, Nagaraj Bijapur. Serum Homocysteine Levels As a Novel Biomarker in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Int J Med Health Sci 2012; (October) Vol-1; Issue-4:39-46
  19. Archana Choudhari, Prakash Desai,  V Indumati Sumangala Kadi :- Activities of Serum ADA, GGT & ALP in Carcinoma Breast – A case control study for Diagnostic & Progonostic significance. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2013 Volume 67 Issue 5 page 123 – 129 .
  20. Netravati.B.Sajjan, Archana.S.Choudhari, Girish M Desai, M.S.Dharapur,& Vinod.V.Wali   “Evaluation Of Association Of Serum Magnesium With Dyslipidaemia In Diabetic Nephropathy – A Case Control Study”. National Journal of Medical Research 2014 volume 4 issue 4 page 318 – 321.    
  21. Satish B.N, Maharudrappa B, Awanti S M, Kumar P, Hugar D, Shiva. A tool in assessing glucose levels in Diabetic Mellitus. J Int oral Health 2014, April 6(2): 114 – 7
  22. Vinod Wali, Singi Yatiraj. Study of serum sodium and potassium in acute myocardial infarction JCDR 2014; November, volume 8, Issue II page no CC07 – CC09   



  1. Study of serum apolipoprotein-A1 in coronary heart disease.
  2. Serum hs-CRP, SOD, MDA and lipid profile in myocardial infarction.

Manjushree sugoor, M. S. Dharapur, J. B. Ingin

  1. Serum butyrylcholinesterase and lipid profile in pre and post menopausal women

      Moin Sabeer, J. B. Ingin, S. M. Awanti

  1. Study of serum and urine protein thiols in essential hypertension Rashmi Sinha, J. B. Ingin, S. M. Awanti
  2. Study of dyslipidaemia in post Menopause with special reference to serum butyryl cholinesterase and lipoprotein (a) Raghunandana R, J. B. Ingin, S. M. Awanti
  1. Protein thiols in 8, 12 and 24hour urine in patients with pre-eclampsia. Bhuvanendranath,  J. B. Ingin, S. M. Awanti


  1. Effect of mobile phone radiations on human health with special reference to SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) Moin Sabeer,  J. B. Ingin, S. M. Awanti
  1. Total thiol status in Gestational Malaria, Rashmi Sinha, J. B. Ingin, S. M. Awanti
  1. Effect of different stabilization procedure for preservation of sample for before blood glucose estimation. Bhuvanendranath, J. B. Ingin, S. M. Awanti
  2. Serum paraoxonase activity  and its relationship with atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) in patients with ischemic heart disease
    Khaja Moinuddin,  Late .Jagadish B. Ingin,  S.M. Awanti
  3. Study of serum gamma glutamyl transferase activity in relation to atherogenic lipid ratio in ischaemic heart disease Raghunandana R, G. M. Desai , Anand bouyapati, S. S.Ronad, J. B. Ingin
  4. A Study of serum Gamma Glutamyl Tranferase activity, BMI and lipid profile in type 2 diabetes mellitus.Rizwan Merchant, G. M. Desai, S. S. Ronad, Archana. C
  5. Is Pseudocholinesterase related to lipid metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ? Rizwan Merchant, G. M. Desai, S. S. Ronad, Archana. C, Dr Raghunanadana
  6. A study of serum magnesium level in type 2 diabetes mellitus, Netravati. B. Sajjan, M. S. Dharapur, G. M. Desai, S. S. Ronad, Archana. C
  7. Study of serum butyryl cholinesterase activity in relation to atherogenic lipids in myocardial infarction.Raghunandana R, G. M. Desai.
  8. Does specimen collection plays a role with special reference to total thiols status in health and disease Khaja Moinuddin, S. M. Awanti
  9.  Study of Thyroid Profile & Pseudocholinesterase in Preeclampsia. Rajeshwari Patil, S.M.Awanti
  10. Evaluation of Activities of Serum Adenosine Deaminase & Gamma  Glutamyl  Transferase in Preeclampsia.Rajeshwari Patil, Archana S Choudhari  


Topic Title: Cross sectional study for evaluation of Salivary Urea, Creatinine, Uric acid, Calcium and Phosphate levels in diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Diseases at Basaveshwar Hospital, Gulbarga

The research work was carried by  Renoy P.A,1st year MBBS student under the guidance of Dr.Archana.S.Choudhari, Associate Professor.



  1. CME Conducted on Metabolic Disorders “Recent trends in Clinical Biochemistry” on 23 Jan 2010.


  1. Four days work shop conducted from 27th to 30th April 2015 by Department of Biochemistry in collaboration with MELAP affiliated to Quality Council of India, New Delhi on “ Quality Management Systems & Internal Audit in Medical Laboratories as per ISO 15189: 2012 ”    


  1. All faculty underwent training of the MCI basic course work shop in MET at MCI Nodal Centre for Faculty development KLE University Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belagavi, Karnataka.


  1. All faculty underwent one day faculty development programme conducted by RGUHS at BTGH auditorium


  1. All faculty will be attending National & State level conferences & workshops in Biochemistry regularly.   


Association of Clinical Biochemistry of India (ACBI)

Association of Clinical Biochemistry Karnataka chapter (ACBKC)

Association of Medical Biochemistry of India ( AMBICON) 

Contact Information of HOD – Address, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email.

Dr. Archana Chowdary

Professor & Head of the Department of Biochemistry

M.R. Medical College


Phone: 08472 – 220307

Fax: 08472 – 225085


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