Basaveshwara Teaching & General Hospital, Kalaburagi

Attached to
M. R. Medical College



Department of Pediatrics

          The Department of Pediatrics of Basaveshwar Hospital and Sangameshwar Hospital comprises of NICU & PICU with well-equipped ventilators, infusion pumps, multimedia monitors and warmers. Round the clock trained staff offer state-of-the-art level III NICU care. The department also offers subspecialty care to the patients like Neurodevelopment clinic, child guidance clinic, immunization clinic and well baby clinic.

We started our NICU experience with small rooms, 3 bedded A/C room, hot air blower for warm care and others to present state of art ventilators, incubators, phototherapy, NIBP, multichannel monitors, electronic weighing machines etc.

Our PICU caters to the need of sick older children with all modern gadgets and continuous monitoring. Health care delivery of the department caters to the people of north Karnataka as referral center.

The department boasts of experienced staff along with junior staff who have undergone training in various specialties like neonatology, development neurology, intensive care and endocrinology.

           We have organized innumerable CMEs and conducted conference and workshops of state and zonal levels.


Staff Details :                                                                                                                                   Click on the image of staff, for the details :

Sl.No. Name of the Staff Members Qualification Designation                    Photo
01 Dr. Sharanagouda Patil MBBS,MD    Dean, M R Medical College  Dr Sharanagouda Patil
02 Dr. Roopa Mangashetty MBBS, MD   Professor & Head of the Department Dr Roopa Mangshetty 
03 Dr. Basawaraj M. Patil  MBBS, MD   Professor  Dr Basavaraj M Patil
04 Dr. Rohit M. Bhandar MBBS, MD     Professor  Dr Rohit M Bhandar
05 Dr. Arundhati S. Patil MBBS, MD     Professor Dr Arundati S Patil
Dr. Sharanakumar B Deshmukh MBBS, MD Associate Professor Dr. Sharanakumar B Deshmukh.jpg
07 Dr. Mallikarjun R.Kobal MBBS, MD     Professor Dr Mallikarjun Kobal 
08 Dr. Apoorva A.B MBBS, MD     Professor Dr Apoorva A B 
09 Dr. Kiran Hosagouda MBBS, MD     Professor  Dr Kiran Hosagouda
Dr.  Nayanapalli Meenakshi  MBBS, MD Assistant Professor Dr.  Nayanapalli Meenakshi.jpg
Dr. Rudrakshi  MBBS, DCH Assistant Professor Dr Rudrakshi.jpg
Dr. Rohini Patil MBBS, MD Assistant Professor Dr. Rohini Patil.jpg
Dr. Aishwarya Bijapur  MBBS, MD  Assistant Professor Dr Aishwaya Bijapur
Dr. Preethi S .M  MBBS,MD Senior Resident Dr. Preethi S .M.jpg
15 Dr. Shivakumar Sangolagi MBBS, DCH   Sr. Resident Dr Shivakumar Sangolagi 
16 Dr. Sharankumar K.  MBBS, DCH   Sr. Resident  Dr Sharankumar K 
